Stand Number: F2
PS Turkey is a one-stop sourcing agency based in Istanbul, Turkey.
Source from Turkey with confidence!
PS Turkey assist businesses in discovering low-cost sources for items and supplies, allowing
them to save money on manufacturing.
We are:
Reliable and transparent/open in communication
Good negotiators
Proactive and involved
Accurate and critical on quality
Fluent in English; Perfect in Turkish
Great network of contacts and suppliers
Professional and FUN!
Risk mitigating, one-stop solution for sourcing, purchasing, quality assessment and shipping
from Turkey!
5 Simple Steps To Get Your Product to Market
Get in touch with our team, and we can discuss your product specs, timeline and quantity.
2.Product Sourcing
Product sourcing covers face-to-face sourcing as well as web research, OFFLINE research, visits to
factories and reporting.
3.Sampling & QA
We ensure that the product, assembly, instructions & packaging are all in perfect condition before the
manufacturing of the goods. We ship the samples to your desired location.
4.Quality Control
We have a Quality Management system. We let the manufacturers know that there will be audits. We
ship only qualified products.
We have contracted rates for major logistics companies. We make sure all goods are delivered at
your desired location, landed at the best possible price.
Our sourcing work includes an evaluation to address
ethical concerns such as worries about pollution or
exploitative labour conditions.
Get in Touch now!