
Tiger Fire Limited

Stand Number: C4

In history logistics industry is a manually driven industry and also time consuming so in order for business to expand one will need to keep deploying more resources so called a “Cost-Plus” model. TigerFire’s business model is driven by automation and using technology platform to handle many B2C orders in a blink of a second and achieving results with as limited resources as possible. We use API to connect to different warehouses in different locations and also connecting many different shipping options varying from speed to cost. At the same time our platform is connected to your e-commerce shop/marketplace allowing orders to pass through the system as one single transaction across different service providers so the same data would not have to enter again and again across different system.


To empower people to focus on getting more business and to develop more products.?


To have more automation and less human involvement


We believe in clean environment and saving the planet for our future generation. I see Tigerfire as the No.1 Environment, Social and Governance compliance company. I see using autonomous vehicle and drone for delivery. I see the use of 3D printing technology. ?